Built 4 It Read online

Page 5

  The stein nodded, but didn’t lift his head. “They…cleaned us.” He leaned his face on Ben’s hand. “But, I was not me.” Kee reached up and touched each of Ben’s fingers, still not turning around. “I wasn’t me. I was something else.”

  He was apologizing, Ben realized. Kee wanted forgiveness for not being stronger.

  Funny, Ben wanted the same thing. “You were a newborn.” Ben hoped Kee understood the word. “You couldn’t have done anything different.”

  Ben held his breath. The tense set of Kee’s shoulders scared him, as if the stein might fly into a rage. “Kee?” He ran a hand through Kee’s hair, soothing him. “You okay?”

  Kee’s jaw tensed. “Where is Frith?” He asked it with a growl that made Ben’s hair stand on end.

  “He’s…” Ben wanted to tell Kee Frith was dead. He would have liked to give the stein the satisfaction, even if it was a lie. “He’s gone and he’s not coming back.”

  The stein nodded, his expression grim and solemn. Ben wondered if Kee understood the difference between dying and leaving. Though as Ben considered it more, he realized for practical purposes it was all the same. The doctor couldn’t hurt Kee anymore. As far as Ben was concerned, that’s what mattered.

  Kee stepped away to survey the room. “We find you a razor.” He opened the cabinets one by one. Kee’s hands were unsteady and his walk was a little tighter than before.

  The shift made Ben feel closer to him. He looked over Kee’s shoulder and saw shaving cream, razors, towels and a variety of first-aid tools. He also saw things he wished he hadn’t—electric shavers, enema kits. Ben gulped down his guilt.

  “Here.” Kee lifted a simple blue razor, the cheap, three-blade kind that always led to cuts. “A razor.” He said it with a hard resignation, not meeting Ben’s eyes.

  “Do you want me to help you shave too?” The words tumbled out before Ben could

  think. He must have blushed fire-engine red and he half wanted to take it back. But if things were going to get any more physical between the two of them, Ben really wanted Kee to take a shower. And Ben wanted things to get more physical—at least a little.

  Now that penetrative sex was off the menu, Ben itched to try some other things, like maybe touch the head of Kee’s cock, or allow the stein to cup his balls. His pulse sped up thinking about it—what would it be like to be stroked by such a huge guy?

  The alpha’s blond lashes lowered as he blinked. “I…” He rubbed at his jaw. If Ben didn’t know better, he would have thought Kee looked self-conscious. His nostrils flared. “Yes. Yes I will shave.” Kee threw back his shoulders as if he’d just agreed to his own execution.

  “Great.” Ben looked around the room. The amenities were more medical than comfortable, but there was soap on the bare-bones soap dishes, and plastic bottles of shampoo. There weren’t any sinks though. And no mirrors.

  Degrading as the idea was of Kee having been showered against his will, Ben felt a tingle of jealousy. The washer hadn’t been him. There must have been a lot of touching during the shower, jostling of bodies, maybe getting hard… It would only have been a natural reaction to all of Kee’s pale, bare skin.


  Ben blinked a few times to clear his head of the image of Kee showering. “Yes.

  Okay.” Determined not to tent his towel before he even gave Kee a shave, Ben marched over to the cabinets and surveyed his options. There were more hospital scrubs folded in neat piles, so he could afford to get Kee’s clothes wet. “Let me start the shower.” He couldn’t bring himself to check Kee’s expression as he walked past.

  He twisted the handle and water blasted from the showerhead. The pressure was nice and strong. Ben didn’t know why, but a dribbly faucet would make this whole thing much less… Romantic? Sexual? Hot? He didn’t even know what he thought at this point. His throat dried as he asked, “Can I wash you too?”

  “Yes.” Kee bent to take off his pants. There was nothing underneath but firm flesh and the crease of an ass.

  “O-okay.” Ben spun out of the way, getting partially drenched by the showerhead’s stream.

  Kee shuffled back a couple inches, but he didn’t put his pants back on. “Are you okay, Ben?” He raised his hands with his palms up. “I won’t hurt you.” The soft kindness in his eyes contrasted sharply with his jutting erection. His cock was dewy at the head, and so hard it looked ready to burst.

  When Ben couldn’t draw his attention away, Kee tried to cup himself with his hand, but didn’t manage to cover his length. In the end, he gave up and stroked it in an absentminded pulse. “Shave?” Kee dropped his fist to his side.

  Ben knew if he were that aroused, he’d be rushing to the closest restroom to relieve himself. “Uh yeah, shave.” Ben tore his attention away from Kee’s groin, and the bulky abdominal muscles leading there, and picked up the razor and a bottle of shaving cream. How he was going to shave Kee without rubbing against his waving cock, Ben couldn’t imagine, but he’d do his best.

  Kee lifted his chin and preened. He swelled with pride that he hadn’t grabbed the other male and pumped against his warm belly until he spilled into the fur of his chest.

  He was the strongest and smartest in the labs. Of course, that had less meaning now that it was just him and Ben. But still, Kee was a male worth desiring.

  “I’m going to touch you now.” With more force than Kee would have expected, Ben grabbed Kee’s jaw. Lo had always been soft. This new hardness excited Kee so much he had to clench his buttocks not to thrust forward.

  “This is shaving cream. It’s to make the razor go more smoothly.” Ben pressed a button on top of the can and a wave of white filled his hand. Kee wanted to touch the puffy substance, but controlled his curiosity.

  Ben stroked the cream over Kee’s cheek. Then his chin. When Ben dabbed a line under Kee’s nose, Kee chuckled—sending bits of white flying.

  “I’m going to do your neck too. It’ll look better when…” Ben smiled—his eyes sparking. “Assuming at some point in the future you wear a shirt, it will look better if your neck is smooth.” Ben spread the cream over Kee’s neck, more gently than he had on his face. The teasing touch made Kee want to move closer, to press Ben into the falling water, to experiment with the cream all over Ben’s body. Especially the tight, closed places where Lo enjoyed being touched.

  “All right, you ready?” Ben held up the razor like a weapon.

  On reflex, Kee crossed his hands over his sex. “Yes.” A bit of the cream dipped into his mouth and Kee spit it out. He pinched his lips against further soapy invasion. So this cream would not be good for other types of play.

  “Don’t eat it.” That brightness glimmered again in Ben’s brown eyes. His expression wasn’t that sweet, sultry look Lo used to give Kee. But maybe Ben was different. Maybe this was Ben’s way of showing desire.

  “Now. Hold still.” Ben stepped close, so much that the head of Kee’s cock dragged along the rim of his towel.

  Ben scraped a firm line across Kee’s face. The skin under the razor tingled—like cold heat. Then Ben did it again, this stroke longer and curving all the way under Kee’s chin. The sensation was incredible, totally unlike those quick, terrified moments Kee remembered in this same room. At the next pass of the blade over his skin, Kee growled his approval.

  In response, Ben stilled—but only for a moment. “That’s not too bad, right?” A happy smile tipped the edge of Ben’s mouth. He looked fresher when he grinned— newer and very young for a human.

  Kee would have answered, but he did not want that flavor in his mouth. “Mmm hmm.” He struggled to keep the lust out of his eyes.

  Ben changed his angle to shave the other side of his face. “You’re doing well.” He moved so close they might be kissing, so Kee’s sex pressed flat on his belly. Both of them gasped at the contact, but neither acknowledged the reason. It was a competition now—who could feign coolness longer.

  With quick strokes, Ben shaved Kee’s top lip. The move
ment tickled, but not as

  much as the way Ben shifted. A firm weight pressed into one of Kee’s thighs—Ben’s answering excitement bowing forward his towel.

  Kee could have roared his conquest. His skin, mouth and sex sizzled with an electric current of desire. Lust-drowned, Kee followed Ben to the running water and rinsed the now-smooth skin of his face.

  Ben urged him under completely, until the warmth drenched Kee’s body. The human ran his hands all over. There was something on Ben’s hands—like cream but not as puffy. Kee closed his eyes and took in the care and the washing. Lo never would have treated Kee this way. He wouldn’t have dared. Ben’s fingers stroked everywhere—under Kee’s arms, along his back. Ben’s touch stroked up one leg and into the thatch of hair at his upper thighs. Kee thrust forward in offering, but Ben pulled back a moment too soon, not exploring the places Kee hoped.

  And then Ben’s hands were in his hair, on his scalp. Fingernails scrubbed hard, maddening circles. So much Kee bowed his head, moaning at the pleasure of it. Ben’s

  touch was genius. Lo would never have known to do these things. Sweet as Kee’s lover had been, he was innocent to these subtle pleasures.

  “Don’t open your eyes.” Ben sounded as breathless as Kee felt. “I have to wash out

  the shampoo.” He pressed Kee’s head under the water. Long streams of it rolled over Kee’s skin.

  Ben strummed his fingers through the streams, washing the bitter soap and slippery shampoo. “You can open your eyes now.”

  Kee unclenched his eyelids to see Ben standing nearby, his soaking-wet towel clutched in front of his hips. His expression looked pained…or maybe just scared. His eyes were wide, his lips damp, his face hot with color. He quivered like an open invitation.

  Ben could hardly bear to look at Kee. He was… Well, the best way to describe it was “breathtaking” since Ben was struggling to breathe. It felt as if the air had become thinner, as if they had been flown to a high altitude and left in a mountaintop cave.

  Without the thin beard on his face, Kee looked ruggedly handsome, and much younger. His green eyes sparkled with lust, and his lips were so pink and soft-looking that Ben could hardly keep his eyes off them.

  Kee stepped closer. He leaned forward and closed his mouth over Ben’s top lip.

  A moment passed between them where Ben wondered if he was terrified or excited.

  And where Kee must have wondered the same. Kee held his body away from Ben’s, his hips tucked back so that his splendid erection didn’t touch Ben’s towel.

  Ben’s hands shook, his body shook. But his dick pounded in hot answer through the damp and scratchy fabric. In a moment of brave recklessness, Ben let go and allowed the sloppy mess to fall to the floor. He nodded—not sure why, but wanted Kee to know whatever was going to happen he was giving his assent. This wasn’t punishment for Ben’s sins, but pleasure given freely. Then, with a moan like a sob, Ben opened his mouth.

  Kee growled and slanted his head to deepen the kiss. He licked at Ben’s tongue,

  urging Ben to respond, teasing Ben’s lips wider. He pressed forward, his bare dick

  brushing Ben’s.

  Gasping, Ben eased forward at the slow glide of flesh. The sensation was so sharp

  and luscious it almost hurt. He held out as long as he could, with only the gentle rasp of skin on skin. When his groin clenched and he couldn’t stand the softness any longer, Ben bucked forward to crush their hips together, their cocks flattening on firm bellies between them.

  “Ah.” Kee gripped Ben’s hips and thrust up into Ben’s abdomen, rubbing deeper.

  “So good.” He grabbed Ben’s ass cheeks, squeezing and spreading until Ben stepped his legs apart. Kee slid his fingers into his crease and to the sensitive patch behind his testicles.

  Ben’s heart threatened to pound right out of his chest. His hips bucked against the other male. He couldn’t think about what might happen next or if real-life sex scared him. His mind and body sang in unison for the first time in Ben’s life. And the name of the song was Yes.

  “Ah, Ben.” Kee kissed him quickly, and then fell to his knees. He looked up at Ben

  from under blond eyelashes. With a sultry grin, Kee slid his touch up Ben’s legs until he cradled Ben’s sac in his palm. Kee teased at Ben’s puckered hole with a calloused fingertip, wet with water and residual shaving cream.

  “Oh God.” Ben convulsed, his dick bobbing in front of Kee’s face. “Oh… Oh God. ”

  Ben rocked his hips, his forehead creased with pleasure and desperation. He wanted to grab his cock and pump until he came on Kee’s face, but Ben was too embarrassed to do it. Instead he panted and stared down at Kee, wondering if he could come just from the sight of Kee and from the pressure of his probing fingers.

  Kee wrapped his free hand over Ben’s hipbone and just when Ben thought he’d go blind from the creeping ache in his balls. Kee opened his mouth and sucked the tip of Ben’s dick.

  Unable to resist, Ben wove both hands in Kee’s hair—more to stay upright than to force his cock deeper into the warm heat of Kee’s mouth. The stein flicked his tongue over Ben’s glans, making Ben shout. Then Kee pulled off.

  “Ah, ah…” Ben whimpered, too incoherent to beg, his body strung tight like a bow.

  He watched Kee, who seemed to be studying Ben’s cock—making it harder with only

  his gaze. Kee’s fingertip tunneled deeper, burrowing ever so slightly inside.

  “Please?” Ben shuddered at the word. And once the dam broke, he couldn’t stop

  saying it. “Please, please, please, please,” he chanted, rocking on Kee’s hand, until Kee took his cock in a single, long swallow.

  At the same moment, Kee’s digit breached his opening, lifting Ben onto his toes.

  Blind with sensation, Ben thrust his cock between Kee’s lips. He tried to escape and get closer all at the same time, to release the scalding pleasure coursing through him. He rutted like a wild, trapped beast—messy and out of control—until his orgasm blasted a scalding path from his anus forward through his dick, and in a sizzling trail up his spine. Hands scrabbling on Kee’s head, Ben fought to stand on shaking legs.

  The huge stein dragged Ben down, cradling Ben in his lap. Kee crooned soothing

  words of, “Good” and “Handsome”. His hand landed on Ben’s head, smoothing his hair and neck and finally his shoulder to pull Ben closer.

  Delirious with orgasm, Ben palmed Kee’s cock. He tugged a few times, trying to get the right grip and tempo, but Kee lifted his fingers away. “It’s okay.” He shifted and made room for his own right hand. “I’ll do it.” He began jerking in short, quick strokes.

  Entirely different from how Ben got himself off. Despite being wrung-out and sloppy tired, Ben felt a little superfluous.

  “Yes, good.” Kee’s eyes pressed closed and his mouth opened. Three quick pumps later, his semen spurted and landed on Ben’s stomach, thighs and softening dick.

  Ben held his body as upright as possible, not touching any more flesh than completely necessary. He reeled from the sensory onslaught, but felt an acrid sense of embarrassment. Ben had thought he was giving something to Kee before—when Kee had masturbated in his cell. But apparently, that was just Kee’s thing. Ben shifted to get off Kee’s lap.

  “Ben?” Kee was still breathing fast, but he’d obviously noticed something was wrong. He tried to cradle Ben again, his forehead creasing in confusion. “Are you okay?”

  Ben stood and headed to the showers to wash any traces of their encounter. “You should start thinking about what you’re going to do when you leave here.” Ben knew he sounded pissy. He half-wished Kee had forced him instead. At least that would have been about Ben. If all Kee had wanted was jack-off material, Ben could have simply exposed him to a few websites. “I have the number for those Underground people.”

  Kee rose from the floor and laid a hand on his shoulder, but Ben flinched away. Kee stood shivering outside the water’s warmth. His
soft cock curled like a small and contented animal between his legs. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, not hurt. I guess I just got what I deserved.” He let out a rueful chuckle. When he thought about it, Ben hadn’t been any better than Kee—using a person like a body to get off. And anyway, Ben deserved a lot worse than being treated like a sex object.

  “Ben.” Kee reached but didn’t touch. He shook his head as if he could force a larger vocabulary. “You’re mine.”

  Ben dodged his outstretched hand. He walked with as much dignity as he could to

  the metal cabinets and pulled out a fresh set of hospital scrubs. “I’d appreciate it if you got dressed.” Ben tugged the pants up over his wet legs and jostled into the matching shirt. By the time he turned around, Kee stood under the showerhead, facing the wall.

  At another moment, Ben might have been able to conjure up some sympathy for the stein. He didn’t know why Kee’s actions had bothered him so much—made him feel so

  mall. But the emotion was too fresh for Ben to investigate. “I need some air.” Ben pened the door and stepped from the humid shower area into the sterile hallway.

  Chapter Five

  “Ben?” Kee hopped into fresh pants and followed Ben through the door. “Please stay.”

  “For the love of Pete, Kee.” Ben grasped the deadbolt on the door and lifted.

  “You’ve gotta know we can’t stay here. My car’s still parked in the lot. I can drive you to Seattle if I have to.” He pressed the panic bar and opened the door. Bright sunlight poured in. “Just give me a minute alone, okay?” He stepped out into the unknown, leaving Kee by himself inside the wide outer room of the lab.

  Kee hesitated, waiting for Ben to come back. The seconds passed, and nervousness simmered under Kee’s skin. He crossed to the door and pressed the bar. This exit was heavier than others in the labs, but opened when Kee heaved.